An undergraduate course in mathematics.
Table of Contents
Tome 1: Algèbre
Tome 2: Analysis
This second volume is devoted to multivariable differential calculus (including the elements of topological spaces, differentials and uniform convergence) and one-variable integral calculus, with a chapter on analytic functions (mainly on series expansions) and another on Fourier series (including Cesàro summability).
Tome 3: Géométrie et cinématique
Tome 4: Équations différentielles, intégrales multiples, fonctions holomorphes
The first three chapters are on ordinary differential equations (including the Cauchy-Lipschitz existence theorem), the next three are on multivariable integral calculus (including differential forms), the seventh chapter is devoted to applications (masses, centers and moments of inertia), and the last is on holomorphic functions (including the Cauchy formulae and the calculus of residues).